Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Made it to Kiev!

We are here in our apartment in Kiev. We will be here until we leave (for our 5:45am flight) on Friday morning. Alexei took us straight from the train to the US Embassy to turn in our paperwork. Joseph was intrigued by the fact that he made the metal detector beep (I was not). They didn't find anything unless the gum I bought him here has metal in it, that could be a problem. Anyways, I had all the correct paperwork to turn in and was told to return tomorrow at 2pm with the medical forms I needed (this was expected). So we then went to the doctor and he reviewed Joseph's immunization form from the orphanage, translated it, and gave Joseph a once over. The only things the doctor find in Joseph's paperwork was that he has had bronchitis before and chicken pox. Otherwise he is totally healthy! After we were brought to our apartment we took a walk to a mall where we were told there was a "food court" (that exact phrase) on the top floor. So I am expecting a Sbarros, a Chinese food place, a Gyro Wraps, and a Chick-fil-A at a minimum! I was mistaken... again... I swear, if I have to eat food much longer that feels like it is prepared for an eighty year old grandpa with dentures... It was really just another cafeteria style restaurant, they have lots of those here, where you point to something and then they put it on a plate and they stick it in the microwave. I had mashed potatoes (not too bad) and what I thought was meatballs. There was more rice than meat and they fell apart under they weight of my fork. I like to think of them as mushballs (Ukraine has like 1100 varieties of a meatloaf type of substance and I am over it!). I want some food I can really sink my teeth (not dentures!) into! We went by the grocery store on the way home and I got Raman noodles for my dinner...

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