Saturday, March 12, 2011


As of today Joseph is officially OURS! Here is in the school just minutes before we left. he had to change out of the clothes he had on and change into clothes and shoes I had brought him.
Here Joseph is waving goodbye!!! (No tears or frowns, only smiles and excitement!)
First time I have walked out of this gate with him!
                                His first Coke and dessert as a free man! (well, boy really...)                             Everything today went as smoothly and as quickly as it could have, When the morning started I was not hopeful that we would get everything done in time to get Joseph today but we did with time to spare for shopping and then dinner. Thanks for all the prayers, they worked!


  1. Hooray, hooray, hooray! Congratulations! So happy that the timing was perfect. Praying the rest of the journey home goes as smoothly.

  2. WOW!!! We are so happy. We didn't expect you to be able to free your son so soon.

  3. The Pirkeys' (who were here a couple weeks before us) tenth day fell on a Friday and they were not able to get their daughter until the following Tuesday because they couldn't get their court decree until Monday and then their birth certificate until Tuesday. We got so lucky with having had Women's Day this past week because everything was closed this past Tuesday which meant they opened up an extra day on Saturday. So the court let us get the decree on Friday afternoon so we could get everything done today (Saturday). It was a lot to do including a 2 hour drive to and from Joseph's home town but well worth it! God knew I needed to get back to work on the 21st because we can't afford unpaid days right now! He has provided in our time of need. By the way... he saw me adding the captions to the pictures and as soon as I wrote Vladik he recognized it and said "no, Joseph!". I am going to have to work on that. He has been Vladik to me for the last 8+ months.

  4. Well guess that means for Christmas this year I can get him the same thing as last year, just with his new name on it!
