Friday, March 4, 2011

Just me, myself , and I...

I am all by my lonesome now. Keith left Tuesday night, the other two American moms and their newly adopted kids went home Thursday morning, and Sergei the translator/facilitator went home Thursday afternoon. So today is my first full day by myself. Sergei, the driver, picked me up this morning and I went and visited Vladik from 10am - 1pm. Then Sergei brought me back to my apartment (my new 3rd, and final, apartment). This apartment is right on a main street so I am really close to shops, the grocery store, and some cafes. The one I was at before was too far from everything for me to stay there alone without being able to drive. Now I can easily walk to everything I might need. This apartment has WiFi as well. It is coming in very handy to download movies and TV shows to keep me entertained. I also downloaded an Scooby Doo movie to watch with Vladik at the orphanage today. He loves Scooby Doo and it seems like any kid who stopped by and saw what we were watching loved Scooby Doo too! I guess its just universal - Scooby Doo rocks! Thank goodness for my iPod and the laptop computer. As much as I love seeing Vladik every day, those 3 or 4 hours can get really LONG. If we didn't have the iPod or the computer to play games and watch movies it would be difficult. There is just one place we were are allowed to hang out. It is a big common area that has quite a few classrooms off of it and there are 3 couches. So every day we sit on one of those 3 couches and pass the time. Thankfully the weather is improving (whoever thought that I would say the weather is improving because it is finally getting to be 20+ degrees!) so we can go outside some to break up the monotony. I just really wish I could take him and do things with him, like go to the store, or take him out to lunch. But until we get the court decree, which we only get after our mandatory 10 day waiting period, I am not allowed to take him anywhere. But I am doing my best to enjoy this precious time I have with him (and with myself and my own thoughts) because once life gets back to "normal" I will never have time like this to spend with him. I only wish I could be spending this much quality time with both my boys, I really do miss Jackson. I am really blessed to have one amazing hubby and TWO wonderful sons.

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