Saturday, February 26, 2011

Introducing Vladislav Joseph!!!

Over a week ago, we (well really Vladik) decided on his new name. We gave him a couple of options and he chose Vladislav Joseph. We kept Vladislav his first name so if he would like to continue to go by Vladik (and that is what we call him because that is all we have known him by!) he can but if he would like to use an "American" name back home he can use Joseph. He seems really excited about his new name and a few days ago actually insisted Keith use Joseph as his name when playing a game on the iPod. It is so cute to hear him say Joseph. But he doesn't seem interested in a nickname like Joey or Joe, which is good because I like Joseph. We also discovered another nickname of his while we have been here. Sometimes he is called Vladik, or Vlad, or Vladika (by the assistant director), or even Zinny. He explained to me that Zinchenko (his last name) is too big so they just call him Zinny sometimes :)

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