Monday, February 14, 2011

He said YES!!!!

We had our second meeting today. Vladik was asked if he wanted Keith and I to be his parents and he said "da" (yes in Russian) with a big smile on his face. And then he was asked if he was scared to go to another country and he said "nee-yet" (no in Russian) quite firmly. And when he was asked if he was going to change his mind he kind of chuckled and said "nee-yet". He was very excited and smiled a lot. It went better than planned. He definitely knew his answer! Then we went upstairs to a room with some couches to hang out and half way up the stairs he turned around and said "no Ukraine" to me and then at the top of the stairs he turned around and said "I like America" to me. He gave us some more hugs and then asked us "1 day America?" meaning are we leaving for America in one day?!?!? So cute! The translator wasn't there because he was busy working on some paperwork for us. But next time Sergei, translator, is with us and Vladik he will have to explain the process to Vladik so he knows how many days it will be until we get to go HOME! Thanks for all the prayers. They worked. God is good.


  1. What a great Valentines Day for you!!!

  2. So, I'm crying at my desk right now. Happy Valentine's Day! Love you!

  3. So thankful to read the good news. What a special Valentine for you and Keith and Jackson.

  4. Didn't mean to make you cry at work Sarah! It was one of our best Valentine's Days yet!

  5. Hey Julie and Keith, We are so excited and happy Vladik said "yes" and will continue to pray that everything goes smoothly for the rest of this adventure. Davy and Mikey are SO excited about having a 3rd cousin and we feel very blessed too. We love you and pray God will continue to watch over your family,
    Kathy, Chris, Davy, and Mikey

  6. Oh MAN! I am behind on your blog and I am so HAPPY TO SEE THESE WORDS! Enjoyed all of your pictures and postings, Julie! Kefir is AWESOME when you get it in the raspberry or peach flavor. They have it over here at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. Pete's family introduced me to the very wonderful Kefir. But plain over cereal....not so much! Can't wait for you to be back!
