Friday, February 18, 2011

More Pictures....

I was obsessed with taking a pic of our groceries. Turned out that we thought we had bought milk (center of pic) because it was white and had a cow on it, but it was really this stuff they call "keffer" which is like sour cream yogurt - not good on cereal!

Pictures from around Kiev. Didn't get to do much sightseeing unfortunately though. This is the old city center.

This is a beautiful church that was right next to the building where we had our SDA appointment. They were having to reinforce the foundation because over the many years it has been there it has slowly been sliding into the river below!

This pic is to show Jax two different makes of cars they have here that we don't have in the States. One is a Skoda, don't know the other one... and you can see they park on the sidewalk. It is like this everywhere in downtown Kiev. No need for parking garages!

Bacon Pringles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

This is our train ride (15 hours overnight) to Luhansk (pronounced Loogonsk).

I ordered a coffee. It was black as night and tasted AWFUL! But I felt bad giving the nice train lady back a full cup of coffee so I forced myself to drink it like medicine.

Train toilet. When you stepped on the pedal to "flush" you could see the train tracks racing past below us. It just dumped it out on the ground!

Ukrainian countryside

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