Thursday, January 13, 2011

Had a bit of a scare...

Earlier this week Vladik told us he had another brother. We only know about an older brother, Roma, who is 17 and in trade school. But then he sprung this on us. That he has another brother, Sashka, who is 11 also. This would impact our ability to adopt just Vladik. We would have to adopt Sashka as well! Definitely not something we could even see as a possibility. Our wonderful adoption coordinator, Tonya, double checked all the paperwork from the Ukrainian government and Vladik has only one registered brother, Roma. So either Sashka is not Vladik's brother or he is his brother but is bot registered as such. Either way, we will still be able to adopt just Vladik. It is more likely that Sashka is a friend at Vladik's orphanage. And Vladik is realizing what is happening, that we are a loving family who will hoefully adopt him, and wants the same thing for his friend. So by telling us he is his brother he hopes we will bring him to America too. It is completely understandable. I am sure that we can't even imagine the flurry of emotions Vladik is dealing with. But we love him and are hapy to know our adoption is not in jeopardy.

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